Synavision - Digital Test Bench is the first energy management software in the world specifically developed to check the correct operation of buildings and their systems and for the technical monitoring. The software is able to quickly identify failures, malfunctions and optimization potential, in order to achieve higher energy efficiency and occupants comfort, avoiding issues and complaints.
Synavision has digitalized the quality control process, adopting an intelligent software solution capable of offering a rapid, inexpensive and independent verification procedure of all the building control logics. Information, data and results are then shown through a web interface and dedicated reports, automatically generated.
The software allows to formalize, in the design phase or in the management life cycle, all the data-points and actuators and above all the control logics associated with them. This generates automatically a report with the descriptions and functional specifications that can be attached to tenders, design documents, commissioning plans, etc.
During the management phase, it also allows to check the correct operation of the building and the energy and comfort performance, comparing the developed control logics with the system actual data.
The tool allows to quickly and automatically analyse large amounts of data. It makes possible to implement rules for checking the correct operation of the individual plants components or of the entire systems and it allows the calculation of customizable performance indicators.
The software is also the perfect tool to support commissioning activities, particularly the ones based on data measured by the monitoring and control system – BMS – installed in the building ( such as for the LEED v4 protocol and monitoring based commissioning procedures).
Everything can then be replicated in a standard way during the continuous commissioning process.
For Synavision software, R2M is the exclusive reseller for Italy and Spain.
In addition, with our team we offer customization, first support, help desk service and training.
Further to distribute the software, the R2M team can offer related consulting services, such as
For a quotation and for any information you might need. We will assist you throughout the process.
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