An amazing portfolio of Research and Innovation

We are fortunate to partner with over 200 organizations across Europe in our ongoing research activities. Every project is an opportunity and through them, we have the ability to facilitate technology transfer across organizational types, operational sectors and geographical locations. Our core competence (Innovation Management) is applicable to any area of research and as a result, we participate in a wide array of topics which span sustainability, construction, ICT, robotics, additive manufacturing, industrial resource efficiency, water management and the circular economy. Through our projects, we’ve launched startups, sold IP and brought new products and services to the market. We believe every project is an opportunity to make a difference on society and this is the impact we strive to make.

Take a moment to explore the projects below. A brief description is provided to include the challenge the project addresses. You’ll be able to find the R2M role and project manager, some photos and link to the official project webpage for further information. Don’t hesitate to contact us for information requests.

Our Numbers

Year of Birth
Funds raised
First time research participants
Research projects