Motivation & Impact
PENTAGON address the European need to develop and mature the next generation of competitive technologies and services for the electricity distribution grid at medium and low voltage levels, which are clearly going beyond the state of the art and will be ready to integrate the market in a five to ten years’ period. These technologies and services should enable advanced solutions for demand-response, smart grid, storage, and energy system integration while respecting the needed stability and security in the context of an increasing share of variable renewable energy sources in the electricity grid.
PENTAGON main impacts are:
– Enable higher penetration (min. +25%) of renewables in distribution grids through enhanced synergies between electric, gas and thermal networks, leveraging power to gas technology and power to heat district-level strategies.
– Revenues generated from district flexibility to increase by 15 to 20%, thanks to multi-scale multi-vector energy management with holistic consideration of energy production, load and storage.
– Empowering European smart district managers to successfully implement local energy aggregation businesses, allowing for the generation of additional revenues from district flexibility trading and reduced energy costs for local consumers.
Role of R2M
R2M is the communication and exploitation manager. We conduct communication, dissemination, exploitation and standards/regulatory related activities in order to maximise project impact. R2M stimulate and leverage consortium partner organisational capacities and networks, EU resources and events, external associations and platforms in the field as well as external experts in order to accelerate post-project advances in TRL for the foreground and to set the conditions with respect to business posturing for success.