Motivation & Impact
The overall objective of the MiniStor project is to design and develop a novel compact, integrated thermal storage system for achieving sustainable heating, cooling and electricity storage that can be adapted to new and existing residential buildings. The system includes an innovative HEMS (Home Energy Management System).
The main impacts are:
– Energy savings of 40% (conservative scenario based on Impact#3)
– Great potential for reducing emissions by integrating RES
– Reduction of housing deprivation and air pollution
– A property with an EPC of A is worth 11% more than a comparable D-rated one
Role of R2M
R2M as exploitation leader will support the consortium to maximize the economic impact of the project results. R2M will guide the partners through a complete results management process, through the analysis of the market and copetitors, up to the development of a business model for the commercial exploitation of the inovative storage system. R2M also actively participates in the support of technical activities and in the analysis of the reference cost for the studio solution.