As an Energy Services Company, R2M’s technical offerings include: Green Building Certification (e.g., LEED, BREEAM), Building Energy Certification, Energy auditing, Building and systems energy and IEQ performance monitoring and fault detection, dynamic energy simulation, Building Services Design & Commissioning, consulting on retrofit strategies and solutions with associated design. Local Energy Communities. Self-consumption, ISO50001.
For Smart Grids we enable the technological integration, commercial packaging, and project development of turnkey smart grid solutions made possible by smart meters and peer-to-peer energy trading. R2M is targeting smart condominium retrofits in where self-consumption and peer to peer energy trading is possible with new regulations and incentives. Approximately half of the Italian and Spanish population lives in such structures. R2M is also targeting public smart grid implementations for small municipalities with under 3000 residents where regulations make it easier for municipalities to own and operate the grid infrastructure as distributors/energy suppliers making possible new business models and services to citizens.
From small condominium to public buildings or entire municipalities, R2M experience integrating a disruptive technology package (smart meters, blockchain-based P2P energy exchange, digital twins) with innovative and smart energy services models (smart Energy Performance Contracting, Pay-for-Performance, aggregation, demand response, smart contracts) to make R2M the ideal partners to boost any type of energy community, maximising energy efficiency and savings.
Implementing an ISO50001 energy management system not only demonstrates your commitment to environmental sustainability but also creates a virtual cycle of improvement and upskilling for your organisation that translates into energy and monetary savings, energy expenses control and increased commitment from employees. R2M helps organizations in implementing all the steps to obtain the ISO50001 certification including the development and implementation of the much needed Measurement and Verification (M&V) plan to validate the savings. Organisations implementing ISO50001 systems obtain a variety of benefits including:
As a technology aggregator with a large experience in the European innovation ecosystem, R2M turns research results into solutions to accelerate the energy transition and the development and management of Local Energy Communities.
In a Local Energy Community, citizens, organisations and local authorities come together, as end users of producers of energy, to cooperate in the generation, distribution, storage, supply, aggregation and management of energy while offering energy services to the grid. All of it while making emphasis on the local engagement and local empowerment on their energy actions to generate social value.
R2M is your partner for implementing Local Energy Communities, supporting the whole process and providing the following services
Based on Distributed Ledger Technology (e.g. Blockchain), R2M provides solutions to utilities, TSOs, DSOs, aggregators and Energy Communities to manage, trace, validate, verify and secure their data in a 100% transparent approach. Thanks to Blockchain technology we can implement a new generation of smartmeters and smartdevices that record energy flows directly into an immutable distributed ledger which means that is it instantly replicated in all nodes in a network and hence it cannot be changed.
This decentralised approach for certifying energy flows and energy transactions enable the provision of services including: energy exchange amongst peers, RES certificates, smart contracts, smart billing, automated negotiations and payments, etc.
Due diligence is an established concept for deals and proved to be valuable to avoid risks or recognize opportunities prior to transactions. Knowing the impacts of sustainability aspects of a business across the whole value chain is today a key element for understanding the strategy of a company. Therefore, clients engaged with R2M Solution prior to investing in assets or industries.
Our team of sustainability experts uses standardized procedures for effective due diligences. This approach considers interviews, site visits, background checks or applying industry expertise in order to identify risks and opportunities of improvement and application of environmental and wellbeing international standards of certification.
R2M offers turn-key solutions for building energy renovations and self-consumption installations together with the smartization and digitalisation of the buildings. From envelope renovation, to energy management, to upgrading your heating and cooling devices, to charging points to electric vehicles, to domotics. R2M is your partner through the process of living more comfortably and efficiently.
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